Oil to Gas Conversion

Oil to Gas Conversion in Avery County & Watauga County

Switching Fuel to Cut Utility Expenses

According to the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA), it costs the average homeowner $2,087 to heat with fuel oil in 2012, but only $832 to heat the same-size house with natural gas. Since 2002, oil heat has averaged 30% to 50% more than gas every year.

The EIA predicts that oil prices will continue to increase, while the cost of natural gas should remain comparatively stable. Given these circumstances, it’s no wonder a growing number of homeowners are electing to stop burning oil and start burning natural gas.

Is your home located close to a natural gas line? Is your oil-burning furnace or boiler more than 10 years old? If so, switching fuels can be a smart move. On top of energy savings and promoting sustainability, it is easier to supply natural gas to your home via underground lines - especially during severe weather that can disrupt oil deliveries. Finally, you may be eligible for rebates and other financial incentives if you switch fuels.

Avery Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC can help you find out more – schedule a free estimate with our oil to gas conversion experts in Avery County and Watauga County!

How Much Will it Cost to Convert from Oil to Gas?

The cost to convert from fuel oil to natural gas can vary greatly – anywhere from $4500 to over $10,000! There are several reasons for this wide price range. First of all, the cost of bringing a gas line to the house will depend on where you live, where the nearest gas main is located, and the gas company’s policy regarding new customers.

Secondly, local building or health codes may require you to remove the oil tank that is no longer needed. A third factor determining conversion cost is the equipment replacement option you choose. Sometimes it’s possible to simply replace the oil burner assembly with a gas burner. In other cases, you’ll have to remove the entire oil-burning furnace or boiler and replace it with a new gas-burning appliance.

Insulation Upgrades Are Also Essential to Cut Heating & Cooling Costs

Before you make any changes to your HVAC system, it’s wise to make basic insulation and air sealing upgrades first. These two “building envelope” improvements alone can cut HVAC expenses nearly in half. By upgrading your home to the air sealing and insulation standards recommended by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, you’ll be making a “once-and-done” improvement that will deliver ongoing energy savings, no matter what condition your HVAC system happens to be in.

Fortunately, Avery Heating & Air Conditioning takes a whole-house approach to energy savings. Our energy expertise and home improvement capabilities extend from home insulation, air sealing and ductwork repairs to lighting, HVAC systems, water heating, and more.

Schedule a Complete Inspection of Your HVAC System

Avery Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC will inspect your heating and cooling systems and provide estimates for any Avery County and Watauga County oil-to-gas conversion.

Call us at (828) 548-1555 today to set up your inspection and replacement estimate!

Upgrade to Energy Efficiency
Explore our range of high-efficiency HVAC systems designed to reduce energy costs and enhance comfort.

Award-Winning Business

  • Avery County Chamber of Commerce
  • Lennox Preferred Dealer
  • Energy Star Certified
  • NATE Certified
  • Boone Chamber of Commerce
  • Banner Elk Chamber of Commerce
  • Mitsubishi Diamond Dealer

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With over 45 years of expertise, our NATE-certified technicians are ready to provide top-notch heating, cooling, and indoor air quality services.